FIN// Visual artist // Photographer // Media Messenger // Lover of the Truth // bookings:

lauantai 27. kesäkuuta 2015

Tampere Pride 2015

Helsinki is celebrating Gay-Pride to promote the rights of homosexuals today. And thats ok. Finland is a free country and people can do whatever they want, proclaim and celebrate their beliefs publicly. I dont agree with these Pride-people but I think its really great, that we still have a liberty of speech in our country.

But yeah, this year I've decided to celebrate Pride aswell. But not the silimilar Pride that those folks in the capital of Finland are celebrating. I've decided to celebrate the Pride Festival in my own way. Let me tell you about my Pride: 

My Pride is a feast of my beliefs aswell. Im celebrating the things that Im proud of and the things that I've built my whole life on. Yes. Im not ashamed to say that I've given my whole life to Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as my personal Saviour many years ago.
Im proud that I can publicly represent Him Everywhere that I go. I can have a personal relationship with Him and get to know Him and His Word everyday more and more. Yes. Call me old-fashioned, but I love the Bible.  I believe its God's word and it's written for my very best. I have seen it transforming my life and the life of many many others around me and around the world. Im telling you: When you use this Book right, it transforms your whole life! So be aware of that side-effect ;)
And yeah. One more thing I need to add. Its about that rainbow. Rainbow that Gay-people have owned as their own symbol. No hard feelings, but it was not supposed to promote gay-marriage in a first place. 

It was originally given to Noah and all Creation, from God as a symbol of His everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures.

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:16

Just saying. 

Peace out sweethearts,
picture/ Emilka Everywhere

keskiviikko 24. kesäkuuta 2015

We live outside the touch of time.

"To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We all know each other as we always were. We know each others hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time."
Clara Ortega

© Emilkaeverywhere Design

tiistai 9. kesäkuuta 2015

30 Photos Challenge - 26. A photo of the place you are currently living in

Pitkästä aikaa 30 Photos Challengea, ihan on meinannut unohtua moinen tempaus. Entiiä lasketaanko tätä, mutta tällä kertaa en jaksanut räpsiä auvoisia kotikuvia. Kuvasin sen sijaan ihania kukkia mun maljakosta. Enjoy! Ehkä niitä kotikuviakin vielä joskus tänne tulee..


Heck yes, I live in paradise!

26. A photo of the place you are currently living in
27. A photo which is telling something about your future
28. A photo of something you would like to have
29. A photo of something beautiful
30. A photo of something you couldn´t live without

maanantai 1. kesäkuuta 2015

Coffeebreak cameleont

Kenellekään ei varmaan tule yllätyksenä jos kerron olevani mieltynyt kahviin. Se kun on aika tyypillistä ikäiselleni suomalaiselle naiselle (huh, kuulostaapa yhtäkkiä jotenkin kypsältä. Aikuispisteitä ropisee, rips raps rops!) Addiktioksi kutsuisin kumminkin pakottavaa tarvettani ikuistaa kahvitaukoni mahdollisimman esteettisiksi kuviksi, jotka sitten jaan instagramissa hashtagilla #neverstoptakingcoffeepictures. Ajatuksena on koota kuvat yhteen myös muussa muodossa jossain vaiheessa, kunhan vaan siihen liikenee sopiva paikka ja jokunen hetki aikaa.

Mitäs sitä muuta, kesäkuun eka ja vettä tulee kuin esterin per...Gotta love our summer wheater! Peace out, sweethearts! Ei luovuta toivosta. Kyllä se aurinkokin vielä paistaa!

pictures/my own
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