FIN// Visual artist // Photographer // Media Messenger // Lover of the Truth // bookings:

lauantai 11. maaliskuuta 2017

City full of people with different stories.

Meet Hussein. He is 17 years old refugee from Pakistan. I met him by the river today. He came and sat with me, we talked and he told me his story. I must admit, I had some preconception about him at first but after spending some time getting to know him I realized that he is very polite, friendly and little bit confused young man far away from home.

I got reminded of this beautiful quote: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."

Tapasin tänään jokirannassa 17-vuotiaan Husseinin. Hän on Pakistanista Suomeen tullut pakolainen, joka osoittautui alun ennakkoluuloistani poiketen oikein mukavaksi nuoreksi mieheksi joka on hieman hämillään uudessa maassa, kaukana kotoa.



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