FIN// Visual artist // Photographer // Media Messenger // Lover of the Truth // bookings:

sunnuntai 27. joulukuuta 2015

I love the way you shine

Woke up, saw the light and decided to start the day with a shadow self-portrait.
Picture/ Emilka everywhere


Kello on 3:49. Uppouduin elokuvamaailmaan ja hupsista keikkaa, lomarytmi heittää häränpyllyä. Tai siis tämä on kai vakiintumassa ihan jo perinteeksi asti sillä tää on jo ties kuinka mones peräkkäinen yö jonka "menin nukkumaan" kellonaika alkaa kolmosella. Mikäs tässä ollessa, kun huomennakaan ei ole kiire minnekään.

picture/family archieves

tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2015

A goal without a plan

... is just a wish.

Kylläpä on hyvin kiteytetty tuossa lauseessa se mihin monesti ideat ja unelmat lopahtavat, vaikka alussa olisikin sydän täynnä innostusta ja paloa. Kuinka helposti katoaakaan periksiantamattomuus, sitkeys ja pitkäjännitteinen työskentelytyyli kun alkuhuuma on laantunut ja olisi aika siirtyä sanoista (ja sydämen unelmista) tekoihin! Been there, done that ihan liian monta kertaa..

Hyvin suunniteltu on puoliksi tehty. Niinhän sitä sanotaan ja kovin totta se onkin. Ilman selvää strategiaa, välietappeineen ja deadlineineen saattaa näky helposti väljähtää matkalla ja homma kuivua kokoon.

Mulla on unelma joka ei jätä mua rauhaan.
Ja vaikka kipuilenkin alkukankeuden ja erilaisten kysymysten kanssa, olen päättänyt olla sitkeä ja periksiantamaton. Etsiä niin kauan kunnes vastaukset löytyvät. Työskennellä pitkäjännitteisesti, vaikka strategian eteenpäinvieminen tuottaisikin välillä ongelmia. 

Ja tietäkää se etten aio luovuttaa, Im gonna find a way! Im gonna fulfill my dreams! Vielä tulette sen näkemään!

pictures/my own

lauantai 5. joulukuuta 2015

Note to darkness: You ain´t gonna win!

And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

No matter how dark its gonna get around us - It won´t overcome the Light. 
picture/Emilka Everywhere

lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2015

Brothers and sisters: osoite vaihtuu pian!

Mor-jens mussukat! Muistuttelen tässä vain että joulukuun alussa tulen vaihtamaan Keskipisteessa-blogin osoitteen osoitteeksi jolloin Keskipisteessa-blogi kuopataan vaikkakin se ikäänkuin jatkaa olemassaoloaan uudessa osoitteessa. Tulevaisuudessa blogin sisältö pysynee entisellään huolimatta siitä että vanha osoite poistuu käytöstä. (Valitettavasti en ole löytänyt ratkaisua sille, miten saisin vanhasta osoitteesta ohjattua lukijat suorilta uuteen osoitteeseen) 

Mut joo, joulukuun alussa uus osoite: nähään siel! 

The name of the blog is changing and so does the address aswell. So take notes of the new address because in the beginning of december this old address will not lead you to this blog anymore.


tiistai 3. marraskuuta 2015

Keskipisteestä Emilka Everywhereksi

Kuten tarkkasilmäisimmät lukijat ovatkin huomanneet, blogin banneri on äskettäin vaihtunut "Keskipisteestä" Emilka Everywhereksi. Olen kirjoittanut kuvapainotteista Keskipisteessa-blogia säännöllisen epäsäännöllisesti vuodesta 2012. Hieman tämän jälkeen, vuonna 2013 avasin  Instagramtilin taiteilijanimellä Emilka Everywhere.  

Kuukausien ja vuosien saatossa oma valokuvaajan identiteettini on vahvistunut ja olen oivaltanut että haluan tulevaisuudessa keskittyä enemmän luovaan valokuvaukseen juurikin tällä alkujaan instagram-profiilia varten kehittelemälläni Emilka Everywhere taiteilijanimellä. Instagramtilin lisäksi olen perustanut myös facebookiin Emilka Everywhere - artistisivun. Seuraava askeleeni on perustaa Emilka Everywhere - toiminimi, jonka kautta voin alkaa luoda uraa visuaalisella kentällä aiempaa tehokkaammin. Työnalla ovat myös Emilka Everywhere nettisivut jotka julkaistaan todennäköisesti alkuvuodesta 2016.  

Tulevaisuuden visioni on luoda Emilka Everywherestä "brändi" joka tuottaa tunteisiinvetoavaa, ajatuksia herättävää ja visuaalisesti kaunista valokuvamateriaalia erillaisiin julkaisuihin. Unelmoin suuria ja olen varma siitä että Jumala voi laajentaa vaikutusalueeni ja tehdä kauttani enemmän kuin koskaan olen uskaltanut toivoa, anoa tai ymmärtää käyttäessäni Häneltä saamiani lahjoja Hänen kunniakseen!

Joulukuun alussa tulen myös vaihtamaan Keskipisteessa-blogin osoitteen osoitteeksi jolloin Keskipisteessa-blogi kuopataan vaikkakin se ikäänkuin jatkaa olemassaoloaan uudessa osoitteessa. Tulevaisuudessa blogin sisältö pystynee entisellään huolimatta siitä että vanha osoite poistuu käytöstä.  

The name of the blog is changing and so does the address aswell. So take notes of the new address because in the beginning of december this old address will not lead you to this blog anymore. 

Emilka Everywhere

maanantai 2. marraskuuta 2015

She slept with wolves without fear

"She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew a lion was among them." R.M.Drake

Picture Emilka Everywhere
Model: Hanna Vileniouse
Dress: Studio Paula

perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2015

God´s got you covered.

No matter what´s going on in your life right now: God´s got you covered. No matter how difficult your situation might look like: God´s right there with you carrying you through the fire. No matter how disappointed you might be to yourself: God´s grace is new each day. He believes in you and is not mad or disappointed at you.  

No matter how long you´ve waited. The answer will come in a right time. He has seen your heart, heard your prayers and He will answer. Later on will always come in your life. Just wait and see. Let go and learn to trust His perfect timing.

picture / Emilka Everywhere

maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015

What are you doing with your life?

What are you doing with the time that has been given to you? Those years, months and days that are still ahead of you. What are you doing with your life? Are you where you should be?

What about those talents of yours, those things that God gave you so that you could shine His glory in this age? Are you doing your best with what you have? 

Many times we let fear of man to hold us back from fulfilling our calling. We don´t use our creativity, our gifts and talents because we think we are not good enough. We think that there is always someone else who is more this and that and that´s why we withdraw and hide those things that God actually gave us for a reason. He sees your potential and knows that there is really nothing that you couldn´t do when He is by your side. 

"So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 

This is my prayer today. That I could live a life of great impact by the grace of God. Live a life that is not wasted but lived wisely for Him. Could you pray this over your life aswell?

picture/ Emilka Everyhwere 

sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2015

Im there where I should be.

I guess I´m pretty satisfied with the direction of my life at the moment. I know I´m there where I should be, in the middle of God´s good plan for my life. I´m on my way achieving my goals and fulfilling my calling - step by step, day by day.

And yes, I´ve decided not to give up. No matter what´s coming up, no matter how hard the seasons might get - I know they won´t get me cause The Allmighty One is on my side. Always. He sees me, knows me and understands every tiny detail of my life. He has not forgotten the things of my heart and He never will.  

What a wonderful life I´ve found in Him..


tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2015

Et selviä elämästä ennen kuin..

"Et selviä elämästä ennen kuin myönnät, ettet selviä. Et selviä elämästä ennen kuin alat tarvita armoa."

"Hetkenä, jona ymmärrät rajoituksesi, puutteesi, väistämättömän syntisyytesi, kaiken sen mitä et ole - hetkenä, jona antaudut Jumalalle vajavaisuuksinesi, saat ottaa vastaan lahjan, jota et voisi saada millään muulla tavalla: sinua kohti ojentuu rajattoman Jumalan armahtava käsi." 

Edellinen teksti on katkelma Ann Voskampin kirjoittamasta "Lahjoista suurin"- kirjasta. Kyseessä on Uuden tien kustantama tunnelmallinen joulunajan mietiskelykirja, jonka on suomentanut Susanna Hirvikorpi .  Kirjaan voit halutessasi tutustua lisää täällä. 

Teksti: Ann Voskamp - Lahjoista Suurin
Kuvat: Emilka Everywhere

maanantai 19. lokakuuta 2015

Let´s dance in the rain!

" Anyone who thinks sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in the rain."

picture: Emilka Everywhere

keskiviikko 9. syyskuuta 2015

When my good plans changed into His best ones

Ever wondered if God was real and if He cared about your life? Let me tell what just happened to me during my #everywhereisraelexperience15 : 

As some of you know, I traveled to Israel in August. While I was on my way to Helsinki-Vantaa airport I recieved an e-mail from my current workplace. In that e-mail they thanked me for the previous months and also told me that they couldn't hire me anymore due to financial difficulties. They actually broke the law by doing this because we had agreed of a 4 months-contract still, starting from the beginning of September to be continued until the end of the year. 

Anyway, these news came totally out of the blue to me and I knew that this will greatly affect my financial situation in the future. 
But yeah, because I know the One that I believe in, I did not panic. I knew deep inside of me that He had a plan and He knew what He is doing in my life. 
During my time in Israel I was praying wisdom from my Heavenly Father about my future and as many times before, He spoke to me very clearly. 
One night when I was walking outside He said to me that I should start working in Missio&Media-school of our church when I go back home. Not knowing that God had already spoken to my pastor&mentor that they should ask me to come and work in that school. 

Coincidence? I dont think so.

God is so real. He sees what's going on and where we are at. He sees our lives and has a plan that is bigger than we even understand. Lets not ever doubt His ability to take care of us


keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2015

Try this at home

Someone has once said: "Girls compete with each other, but women empower one another." I believe that there is seed of thruth in these words. For some reason, especially we women, tend to get jealous quite easily.

We look to other women who seem to have all things togeter, whose life
seems to be perfect and so much more interesting compared to our own. We read blogs and see pictures in social media and start to feel like our own life is crap and less-fancy-spancy and glorious. We feel that there is always someone else who gets to "run into the Pool of Bethesda when the water is stirring."

I've been there and I know that you also know very well what Im talking about.
Why we do that, I dont know. Maybe we see each other as a threath and someone to compete with. Maybe we are afraid that God doesn't quite remember us. That He doesn´t quite see our need and see where we are at. When we get jealous to other people we are actually forgetting who God is. We forget that He is able and willing to provide for us everything that we need and even more. He wants only best for us and He's not gonna forget us even though we see Him blessing the others around us.

In my opinion
we are the only ones who can stop the snowball from rolling. Yes. You and I. We actually can choose to stop comparing and competing with each other and instead of it choose to start blessing and promoting the people that we used to get jealous for. We can choose to speak good things about them behind their backs and keep our thoughts captive when our minds are trying to pull us into different direction.

I´m actually living prove about all this and
I can say that it actually works. Maybe you should try this at home aswell?

picture by @ emilkaeverywhere

maanantai 3. elokuuta 2015

Oh my my my

Se on kuulkaas sellanen juttu että tänään, kellon lyödessä 17.30 alkaa meikäläisellä asia nimeltänsä kesäloma. Hurra hurra! Tiukan työntäyteisen "kesän" jälkeen lomailen loppukuun ja en vois olla onnellisempi! Suunnitelmissa on leppoisaa oleilua & reissuja sinne ja tänne, hyvässä seurassa tietenkin. Aattelin kuukauden päivät nauttia elämästä sen kaikilla herkuilla! Blogiin sit kuvapäivitykset jossain vaiheessa, viimestään syksyn hönkiessä niskaan.. 

It´s ok, you can call me "holiday-chick" from this day on, until the end of August!  
Gotta loooooove being alive! Hurra hurra! 

picture/ emilkaeverywhere

torstai 23. heinäkuuta 2015

Let´s not let it happen again!

Not long time ago I was talking with someone who got a nerve to say that he thinks that the Holocaust never happened. He seriously believed that it was only a propaganda and a fairytale. And as you could only imagine, I was shocked. Shocked, angry and very very sad.

The rise of antisemitism in Europe, is real. Lets not keep silent about the fact that only few decades ago Nazis murdered over 6 million Jews and treated them as a carbage. Lets not let it happen again! 

pictures/ Emilka Everywhere Design/Wikimedia

sunnuntai 12. heinäkuuta 2015

Back in da hoods

Oh boy, we had an amazing time in Italy. Now its little bit easier to be back in chilly Finland.. 

But hey what happened to those warm finnish summerdays? Thats the question..


perjantai 3. heinäkuuta 2015

Off to Holiday!

Tänään aloitan mun tän kesän miniloman. 7 päivää lämmössä ilman työn tai vastuun häivääkään! Me likes big time!


lauantai 27. kesäkuuta 2015

Tampere Pride 2015

Helsinki is celebrating Gay-Pride to promote the rights of homosexuals today. And thats ok. Finland is a free country and people can do whatever they want, proclaim and celebrate their beliefs publicly. I dont agree with these Pride-people but I think its really great, that we still have a liberty of speech in our country.

But yeah, this year I've decided to celebrate Pride aswell. But not the silimilar Pride that those folks in the capital of Finland are celebrating. I've decided to celebrate the Pride Festival in my own way. Let me tell you about my Pride: 

My Pride is a feast of my beliefs aswell. Im celebrating the things that Im proud of and the things that I've built my whole life on. Yes. Im not ashamed to say that I've given my whole life to Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as my personal Saviour many years ago.
Im proud that I can publicly represent Him Everywhere that I go. I can have a personal relationship with Him and get to know Him and His Word everyday more and more. Yes. Call me old-fashioned, but I love the Bible.  I believe its God's word and it's written for my very best. I have seen it transforming my life and the life of many many others around me and around the world. Im telling you: When you use this Book right, it transforms your whole life! So be aware of that side-effect ;)
And yeah. One more thing I need to add. Its about that rainbow. Rainbow that Gay-people have owned as their own symbol. No hard feelings, but it was not supposed to promote gay-marriage in a first place. 

It was originally given to Noah and all Creation, from God as a symbol of His everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures.

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:16

Just saying. 

Peace out sweethearts,
picture/ Emilka Everywhere

keskiviikko 24. kesäkuuta 2015

We live outside the touch of time.

"To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We all know each other as we always were. We know each others hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time."
Clara Ortega

© Emilkaeverywhere Design
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