Someone has once said: "Girls compete with each other, but women empower one another." I believe that there is seed of thruth in these words. For some reason, especially we women, tend to get jealous quite easily.
We look to other women who seem to have all things togeter, whose life seems to be perfect and so much more interesting compared to our own. We read blogs and see pictures in social media and start to feel like our own life is crap and less-fancy-spancy and glorious. We feel that there is always someone else who gets to "run into the Pool of Bethesda when the water is stirring."
I've been there and I know that you also know very well what Im talking about. Why we do that, I dont know. Maybe we see each other as a threath and someone to compete with. Maybe we are afraid that God doesn't quite remember us. That He doesn´t quite see our need and see where we are at. When we get jealous to other people we are actually forgetting who God is. We forget that He is able and willing to provide for us everything that we need and even more. He wants only best for us and He's not gonna forget us even though we see Him blessing the others around us.
In my opinion we are the only ones who can stop the snowball from rolling. Yes. You and I. We actually can choose to stop comparing and competing with each other and instead of it choose to start blessing and promoting the people that we used to get jealous for. We can choose to speak good things about them behind their backs and keep our thoughts captive when our minds are trying to pull us into different direction.
I´m actually living prove about all this and I can say that it actually works. Maybe you should try this at home aswell?
picture by @ emilkaeverywhere